1. Do you wear perfume or cologne?
never. everything i have is fragrance free so for as i am able. perfumes, colognes, fragrances of any sort, trigger my asthma badly.
2. What brand or kind of soap do you use?
omega nutrition's unscented face and body soap (liquid)... with a wee bit of natural tea tree oil for my hair (also my shampoo)
3. Do you use anything to scent your home (candles, potpourri, scented oils, etc.)?
absolutely not. my home is as odor free, chemically air-pollutant free as i am able.
4. What's your favorite scent on a member of the gender to which you're attracted?
NOTHING. to be honest, i don't understand the attraction of scents anymore... to me, it's poison.
5. Have you ever tried aromatherapy? If so, describe your experience; if not, do you think it works?
not really.... most stuff in the aisles at stores that are 'aromatherapy' are so strong - and chemically! - scented that i can't go down the darn aisle. why wouldi bring it into my home? as for 100% natural essential oils in minute quantities, like i put in my shampoo? i don't know. i'm experimenting as i go along.
from Five on Friday
Thoughts on Asthma, Allergies, and Apnea... the Lessons Learned, and the Source of All Life
“It is more important to remember God than to breathe.” – St. Gregory the Theologian
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
my Alter Ego
i have an alter ego... her name is the Pink Bandido Lady. she walks around on smelly days with a pink chenille scarf wrapped around her face, looking like she's gonna rob a bank!
combine that with pink dreads, i'm an interesting sight.
i think it's really important to keep a sense of humour about my struggles. there's not point in griping, there's no point in wishing it was different becuase that's not going to make it any different, and God has something He wants me to learn through all this.
the Pink Bandido Lady goes to church, too. whoa, sunday morning is the stinky-fest of the week! all those people freshly groomed, sprayed, powdered, and hosed down in their favorite colognes.... gack. it's taken a lot of humility - dare i say humiliation? - to get to the point of being willing to look like that at church....
but when it comes down to it, my choice is simple - miss church, or feel foolish. i choose feeling foolish, becuase nothing is worth missing my time with God's people. least of all my pride!
combine that with pink dreads, i'm an interesting sight.
i think it's really important to keep a sense of humour about my struggles. there's not point in griping, there's no point in wishing it was different becuase that's not going to make it any different, and God has something He wants me to learn through all this.
the Pink Bandido Lady goes to church, too. whoa, sunday morning is the stinky-fest of the week! all those people freshly groomed, sprayed, powdered, and hosed down in their favorite colognes.... gack. it's taken a lot of humility - dare i say humiliation? - to get to the point of being willing to look like that at church....
but when it comes down to it, my choice is simple - miss church, or feel foolish. i choose feeling foolish, becuase nothing is worth missing my time with God's people. least of all my pride!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
my Inspiration...

this blog has a very simple purpose.... to write about my journey with God along Asthma Blvd.... how i cope, what He's teaching me, having peace in the storm - and in the vacuum.
may you be blessed!
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